&Amp;ldquo; of nothing comes nothing ”, raw material supply is the first events of each industry. Furniture industry is is “ wood is furniture design of Center ”, this sentence words for Redwood furniture also is more appropriate, in Ming and Qing dynasties two generation if no so more dark clocks wood for furniture Carpenter people research using, it's hard to say in world furniture history Shang will has let we pride of “ Redwood furniture ” this brilliant of a page, but to currently, Redwood industry is had to collective faced “ specially woman no m ” of situation, Redwood raw materials a wood difficult seeking has into certain.
recently, CCTV financial channel economic half hours broadcast of hot of Redwood under program in the, on nail on the of pointed out that has Redwood industry raw materials of scarce and the directly led of Redwood furniture price of out boom, and recently to on States on Redwood raw materials limit export of multiple reported also order Redwood industry persons and Redwood enthusiasts increasingly clear of awareness to, Redwood furniture has due to raw materials of scarce gradually on canoe, wants to makes Redwood industry has health ordered of development, and Redwood culture to continues to inheritance, on must in raw materials aspects break bottlenecks.
in recent years, industry experts have also agreed new mahogany mahogany importance development of raw materials, mahogany GB drafters Yang jiaju believes that development and the search for alternative mahogany tree species is a matter of sooner or later, although made with the wood from the furniture not a mahogany furniture, but it can be called classical Ming or Qing style furniture, they also have cultural implications. Zhu changling also stated on many occasions, mahogany furniture selection standards should advance with the times, open standards, rosewood furniture sustainability of development determine the sustainability of their selection.
and in hot of Redwood under was focused on interpretation of Redwood industry leader Enterprise Lian Tianhong also in recently indicates that has its in Redwood raw materials development aspects by made of achievements, sky red related heads said, sky red in recent years spent had billion funds in global range within for seeking, once found has more than 10 more than species wood sexual can comparable Redwood of wood, with Redwood as has hardness high, and density large, and oil content high and wear sexual good, and has was included has using range, and will to out reasonable of pricing.
there are individual to the mahogany industry development is not an in-depth understanding of people consider expensive mahogany furniture is that scarcity of raw materials, if the choice of raw materials is too broad and will inevitably affect the noble status of mahogany furniture. Industry expert on this species saying “ poured has cold water ”, expert pointed out that, speculation who hype a varieties, will gives it some ogre of of things, such as scarce, and extinction,, especially now in fact Redwood raw materials also does serious scarce, on more has has hype of value, currently Redwood raw materials of marketable has makes large Redwood enterprise does not thing production, save with “ hoarding ” of mind specifically hoarding Redwood raw materials, but this cart before the of practices obvious will to Redwood furniture market brings adverse effect, Redwood raw materials of times and does not effect Redwood furniture of culture characteristics and distinguished sexual, instead on Redwood industry profiteering inhibition obvious.
actually, throughout Redwood furniture of development course, from Song Yuan period using beech wood, and Nanmu, and Elm, material, later due to these material shortage and development yellow PEAR, and chicken fin wood, hardwood, mahogany until Qing dynasty late only began using, red acid branch of appears in more late of Republic period, this also as the expert by said, dang “ traditional old Redwood ” meet can't production Shi, “ new of Redwood varieties ” is bound to appears, to cover this a missing, used another a wood to instead of is historical trend. In this way, mahogany furniture industry will flourish, mahogany cultural heritage must also exist in the new carrier, would not become “ water mirror months ”.